A few years ago
I sold all my stuff to explore the world
, creating
12 startups in 12 months
building $1M+/y
companies as an
indie maker
such as
Nomad List
Remote OK
. I'm also
a big pusher of remote work
and analyze
the effects it has on society
. Follow me on
see my list of posts
. My first book
is out now.
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The things I have to do to read an email sent to me by my government
9 years ago
Stop calling night owls lazy, we're not
9 years ago
Punk died the moment we learnt that the world WAS in fact getting better, not worse
9 years ago
Stop being everyone's friend
9 years ago
We live in a world built by dead people
10 years ago
Now is probably the time to make HTTPS the default on all your sites and apps
10 years ago
Don't grow up
10 years ago
Calling people "expat" or "nomad" is just as irrelevant as calling internet users "netizens"
10 years ago
Our society is not in line with our natural reward systems, and alcohol and drug abuse proves it
10 years ago
Makers have become the invisible hand
10 years ago
How technology is shaping our future: billions of self-employed makers and a few mega corporations
10 years ago
We are the orcas at Sea World
10 years ago
Love, Anxiety and Startups: My Year in 50 Tweets
10 years ago
The total chaos that the dawn of the 21st century has become
10 years ago
Why does Generation Y feel so lost? And what's the cure?
11 years ago